In a recent project, I desperately needed an RTF to HTML converter written in PHP . Googling around turned up some matches, but I could not get them to work properly. Also, one of them called passthru()
to use a RTF2HTML executable, which is something I didn’t want. I was looking for a RTF2HTML converter written purely in PHP.
Since I couldn’t find anything ready-made, I sat down and coded one up myself. It’s short, and it works, implementing the subset of RTF tags that you’ll need in HTML and ignoring the rest. As it turns out, the RTF format isn’t that complicated when you really look at it, but it isn’t something you code a parser for in 15 minutes either.
How to use it Include the file rtf.php somewhere in your project. Then do this:
$reader = new RtfReader ();
$rtf = file_get_contents ( "test.rtf" ); // or use a string
$reader -> Parse ( $rtf );
If you’d like to see what the parser read, then call this:
$reader -> root -> dump ();
To convert the parser’s parse tree to HTML, call this:
$formatter = new RtfHtml ();
echo $formatter -> Format ( $reader -> root );
Update 3 Sep ’14:
Fixed bug: underlining would start but never end. Now it does. Feature request: images are now filtered out of the output. Update 13 Aug ’15:
This project is now on Github .
The code
* RTF parser/formatter
* This code reads RTF files and formats the RTF data to HTML.
* PHP version 5
* @author Alexander van Oostenrijk
* @copyright 2014 Alexander van Oostenrijk
* @license GNU
* @version 1
* @link
* Sample of use:
* $reader = new RtfReader();
* $rtf = file_get_contents("itc.rtf"); // or use a string
* $reader->Parse($rtf);
* //$reader->root->dump(); // to see what the reader read
* $formatter = new RtfHtml();
* echo $formatter->Format($reader->root);
class RtfElement
protected function Indent ( $level )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $level * 2 ; $i ++ ) echo " " ;
class RtfGroup extends RtfElement
public $parent ;
public $children ;
public function __construct ()
$this -> parent = null ;
$this -> children = array ();
public function GetType ()
// No children?
if ( sizeof ( $this -> children ) == 0 ) return null ;
// First child not a control word?
$child = $this -> children [ 0 ];
if ( get_class ( $child ) != "RtfControlWord" ) return null ;
return $child -> word ;
public function IsDestination ()
// No children?
if ( sizeof ( $this -> children ) == 0 ) return null ;
// First child not a control symbol?
$child = $this -> children [ 0 ];
if ( get_class ( $child ) != "RtfControlSymbol" ) return null ;
return $child -> symbol == '*' ;
public function dump ( $level = 0 )
echo "<div>" ;
$this -> Indent ( $level );
echo "{" ;
echo "</div>" ;
foreach ( $this -> children as $child )
if ( get_class ( $child ) == "RtfGroup" )
if ( $child -> GetType () == "fonttbl" ) continue ;
if ( $child -> GetType () == "colortbl" ) continue ;
if ( $child -> GetType () == "stylesheet" ) continue ;
if ( $child -> GetType () == "info" ) continue ;
// Skip any pictures:
if ( substr ( $child -> GetType (), 0 , 4 ) == "pict" ) continue ;
if ( $child -> IsDestination ()) continue ;
$child -> dump ( $level + 2 );
echo "<div>" ;
$this -> Indent ( $level );
echo "}" ;
echo "</div>" ;
class RtfControlWord extends RtfElement
public $word ;
public $parameter ;
public function dump ( $level )
echo "<div style='color:green'>" ;
$this -> Indent ( $level );
echo "WORD { $this -> word } ( { $this -> parameter } )" ;
echo "</div>" ;
class RtfControlSymbol extends RtfElement
public $symbol ;
public $parameter = 0 ;
public function dump ( $level )
echo "<div style='color:blue'>" ;
$this -> Indent ( $level );
echo "SYMBOL { $this -> symbol } ( { $this -> parameter } )" ;
echo "</div>" ;
class RtfText extends RtfElement
public $text ;
public function dump ( $level )
echo "<div style='color:red'>" ;
$this -> Indent ( $level );
echo "TEXT { $this -> text } " ;
echo "</div>" ;
class RtfReader
public $root = null ;
protected function GetChar ()
$this -> char = $this -> rtf [ $this -> pos ++ ];
protected function ParseStartGroup ()
// Store state of document on stack.
$group = new RtfGroup ();
if ( $this -> group != null ) $group -> parent = $this -> group ;
if ( $this -> root == null )
$this -> group = $group ;
$this -> root = $group ;
array_push ( $this -> group -> children , $group );
$this -> group = $group ;
protected function is_letter ()
if ( ord ( $this -> char ) >= 65 && ord ( $this -> char ) <= 90 ) return TRUE ;
if ( ord ( $this -> char ) >= 90 && ord ( $this -> char ) <= 122 ) return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
protected function is_digit ()
if ( ord ( $this -> char ) >= 48 && ord ( $this -> char ) <= 57 ) return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
protected function ParseEndGroup ()
// Retrieve state of document from stack.
$this -> group = $this -> group -> parent ;
protected function ParseControlWord ()
$this -> GetChar ();
$word = "" ;
while ( $this -> is_letter ())
$word .= $this -> char ;
$this -> GetChar ();
// Read parameter (if any) consisting of digits.
// Paramater may be negative.
$parameter = null ;
$negative = false ;
if ( $this -> char == '-' )
$this -> GetChar ();
$negative = true ;
while ( $this -> is_digit ())
if ( $parameter == null ) $parameter = 0 ;
$parameter = $parameter * 10 + $this -> char ;
$this -> GetChar ();
if ( $parameter === null ) $parameter = 1 ;
if ( $negative ) $parameter = - $parameter ;
// If this is \u, then the parameter will be followed by
// a character.
if ( $word == "u" )
// If the current character is a space, then
// it is a delimiter. It is consumed.
// If it's not a space, then it's part of the next
// item in the text, so put the character back.
if ( $this -> char != ' ' ) $this -> pos -- ;
$rtfword = new RtfControlWord ();
$rtfword -> word = $word ;
$rtfword -> parameter = $parameter ;
array_push ( $this -> group -> children , $rtfword );
protected function ParseControlSymbol ()
// Read symbol (one character only).
$this -> GetChar ();
$symbol = $this -> char ;
// Symbols ordinarily have no parameter. However,
// if this is \', then it is followed by a 2-digit hex-code:
$parameter = 0 ;
if ( $symbol == '\'' )
$this -> GetChar ();
$parameter = $this -> char ;
$this -> GetChar ();
$parameter = hexdec ( $parameter . $this -> char );
$rtfsymbol = new RtfControlSymbol ();
$rtfsymbol -> symbol = $symbol ;
$rtfsymbol -> parameter = $parameter ;
array_push ( $this -> group -> children , $rtfsymbol );
protected function ParseControl ()
// Beginning of an RTF control word or control symbol.
// Look ahead by one character to see if it starts with
// a letter (control world) or another symbol (control symbol):
$this -> GetChar ();
$this -> pos -- ;
if ( $this -> is_letter ())
$this -> ParseControlWord ();
$this -> ParseControlSymbol ();
protected function ParseText ()
// Parse plain text up to backslash or brace,
// unless escaped.
$text = "" ;
$terminate = false ;
$escape = false ;
// Is this an escape?
if ( $this -> char == '\\' )
// Perform lookahead to see if this
// is really an escape sequence.
$this -> GetChar ();
switch ( $this -> char )
case '\\' : $text .= '\\' ; break ;
case '{' : $text .= '{' ; break ;
case '}' : $text .= '}' ; break ;
default :
// Not an escape. Roll back.
$this -> pos = $this -> pos - 2 ;
$terminate = true ;
break ;
else if ( $this -> char == '{' || $this -> char == '}' )
$this -> pos -- ;
$terminate = true ;
if ( ! $terminate && ! $escape )
$text .= $this -> char ;
$this -> GetChar ();
while ( ! $terminate && $this -> pos < $this -> len );
$rtftext = new RtfText ();
$rtftext -> text = $text ;
array_push ( $this -> group -> children , $rtftext );
public function Parse ( $rtf )
$this -> rtf = $rtf ;
$this -> pos = 0 ;
$this -> len = strlen ( $this -> rtf );
$this -> group = null ;
$this -> root = null ;
while ( $this -> pos < $this -> len )
// Read next character:
$this -> GetChar ();
// Ignore \r and \n
if ( $this -> char == " \n " || $this -> char == " \r " ) continue ;
// What type of character is this?
switch ( $this -> char )
case '{' :
$this -> ParseStartGroup ();
break ;
case '}' :
$this -> ParseEndGroup ();
break ;
case '\\' :
$this -> ParseControl ();
break ;
default :
$this -> ParseText ();
break ;
class RtfState
public function __construct ()
$this -> Reset ();
public function Reset ()
$this -> bold = false ;
$this -> italic = false ;
$this -> underline = false ;
$this -> end_underline = false ;
$this -> strike = false ;
$this -> hidden = false ;
$this -> fontsize = 0 ;
class RtfHtml
public function Format ( $root )
$this -> output = "" ;
// Create a stack of states:
$this -> states = array ();
// Put an initial standard state onto the stack:
$this -> state = new RtfState ();
array_push ( $this -> states , $this -> state );
$this -> FormatGroup ( $root );
return $this -> output ;
protected function FormatGroup ( $group )
// Can we ignore this group?
if ( $group -> GetType () == "fonttbl" ) return ;
if ( $group -> GetType () == "colortbl" ) return ;
if ( $group -> GetType () == "stylesheet" ) return ;
if ( $group -> GetType () == "info" ) return ;
// Skip any pictures:
if ( substr ( $group -> GetType (), 0 , 4 ) == "pict" ) return ;
if ( $group -> IsDestination ()) return ;
// Push a new state onto the stack:
$this -> state = clone $this -> state ;
array_push ( $this -> states , $this -> state );
foreach ( $group -> children as $child )
if ( get_class ( $child ) == "RtfGroup" ) $this -> FormatGroup ( $child );
if ( get_class ( $child ) == "RtfControlWord" ) $this -> FormatControlWord ( $child );
if ( get_class ( $child ) == "RtfControlSymbol" ) $this -> FormatControlSymbol ( $child );
if ( get_class ( $child ) == "RtfText" ) $this -> FormatText ( $child );
// Pop state from stack.
array_pop ( $this -> states );
$this -> state = $this -> states [ sizeof ( $this -> states ) - 1 ];
protected function FormatControlWord ( $word )
if ( $word -> word == "plain" ) $this -> state -> Reset ();
if ( $word -> word == "b" ) $this -> state -> bold = $word -> parameter ;
if ( $word -> word == "i" ) $this -> state -> italic = $word -> parameter ;
if ( $word -> word == "ul" ) $this -> state -> underline = $word -> parameter ;
if ( $word -> word == "ulnone" ) $this -> state -> end_underline = $word -> parameter ;
if ( $word -> word == "strike" ) $this -> state -> strike = $word -> parameter ;
if ( $word -> word == "v" ) $this -> state -> hidden = $word -> parameter ;
if ( $word -> word == "fs" ) $this -> state -> fontsize = ceil (( $word -> parameter / 24 ) * 16 );
if ( $word -> word == "par" ) $this -> output .= "<p>" ;
// Characters:
if ( $word -> word == "lquote" ) $this -> output .= "‘" ;
if ( $word -> word == "rquote" ) $this -> output .= "’" ;
if ( $word -> word == "ldblquote" ) $this -> output .= "“" ;
if ( $word -> word == "rdblquote" ) $this -> output .= "”" ;
if ( $word -> word == "emdash" ) $this -> output .= "—" ;
if ( $word -> word == "endash" ) $this -> output .= "–" ;
if ( $word -> word == "bullet" ) $this -> output .= "•" ;
if ( $word -> word == "u" ) $this -> output .= "◊" ;
protected function BeginState ()
$span = "" ;
if ( $this -> state -> bold ) $span .= "font-weight:bold;" ;
if ( $this -> state -> italic ) $span .= "font-style:italic;" ;
if ( $this -> state -> underline ) $span .= "text-decoration:underline;" ;
if ( $this -> state -> end_underline ) $span .= "text-decoration:none;" ;
if ( $this -> state -> strike ) $span .= "text-decoration:strikethrough;" ;
if ( $this -> state -> hidden ) $span .= "display:none;" ;
if ( $this -> state -> fontsize != 0 ) $span .= "font-size: { $this -> state -> fontsize } px;" ;
$this -> output .= "<span style=' { $span } '>" ;
protected function EndState ()
$this -> output .= "</span>" ;
protected function FormatControlSymbol ( $symbol )
if ( $symbol -> symbol == '\'' )
$this -> BeginState ();
$this -> output .= htmlentities ( chr ( $symbol -> parameter ), ENT_QUOTES , 'ISO-8859-1' );
$this -> EndState ();
protected function FormatText ( $text )
$this -> BeginState ();
$this -> output .= $text -> text ;
$this -> EndState ();
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