In a complete contradiction of terms, the popular web advertisement blocking browser extension Adblock Plus will now start serving advertisements of its own, which it considers “whitelisted”. The so-called Acceptable Ads Platform is Adblock Plus’s very own ad network.
Which ads will be whitelisted? For the time being, Adblock Plus says it’s already whitelisting advertisements from Microsoft, Google and Taboola, so those are clearly considered safe. Adblock also says that it will allow ad-serving websites to choose pre-whitelisted ads “that they can drag and drop onto their sites.” There’s no denying that it’s a good thing to block offensive ads, but they’re still ads. All this seems to go rather against Adblock Plus’s goal of blocking all ads entirely, though. As Adblock has been installed millions of times in users’ browsers, they’re looking at a vast market.
Still, it looks like there will still be a way to get rid of all ads entirely: users will be able to turn off the whitelisted ads completely. The only question is how deeply that option will be buried within Adblock’s settings. Or will we soon see “AdBlockBlock” plugins appear?