Agência do Zambeze: Innovative web database

Agência do Zambeze

Our client wanted an easy-to-use web-based database, accessible from anywhere with a (weak) internet connection, where project monitoring data can be entered, searched, filtered, analyzed, and exported to Excel, SPSS and graphics software.

Independent Software used Angular with a RESTful back-end to develop a highly responsive user interface, with interactions requiring only very small amounts of data to be sent to and received from the server. Visual responses of the system are instantaneous.

ACIS: Website revamp


Having been developed in the years before the boost in mobile phone web access, ACIS’ website wasn’t responsive and all but unreadable on a small screen. The design wasn’t very attractive anymore, either, at least not by 2017 standards.

Independent Software built a fresh, fast website with a responsive design, powered by a WordPress backend. The website content is readable on devices of all shapes and sizes, including slideshows with animated texts. The WordPress backend implements a number of custom post types, allows ACIS to easily manage the content of their publications section, members section, notice board and newsletters.

IESE: Electoral cartography


The Institute for Economic and Social Studies (IESE) in Maputo runs a research project on the elections results of the legislative and presidential elections in Mozambique from 1994 to 2009. The project has accumulated a large quantity of election result data which truly comes to life when projected onto a zoomable map of the country with drill-down features.

Independent Software has constructed a new WordPress website for IESE. We also developed a visualization tool for the election results, allowing users to view results by election year, election type and party, as well as abstention levels, white votes and requalified votes – all calculated on the fly from a base data set.

Progresso: Website revamp


Independent Software has worked with Associação Progresso, the oldest NGO in the country, to create a visually charged website that showcases well what Progresso does in Mozambique. The website includes an association profile, and a searchable library of all books that Associação Progresso’s publishing branch offers.

Built around a powerful WordPress theme, Independent Software gave Progresso’s new website a responsive design that ensures that the contents are presented in a beautiful, readable way on all devices, no matter their screen size. Plenty of custom slideshows were added to add life to the pages.